A state-of-the-art facility
Housed in the Kleysen Institute for Advanced Medicine (KIAM) in Winnipeg, Manitoba
The PrairieNeuro Research Centre is housed in the Kleysen Institute for Advanced Medicine (KIAM) in Winnipeg, Manitoba. KIAM is located within the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre (HSC), the largest healthcare facility in Manitoba, and is adjacent to other Rady Faculty of Health Sciences facilities. In 2011/12, the University of Manitoba Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and HSC invested over $7 million in partner investments to create the centre. It was officially opened in 2013 under the name KIAM Neuroscience Research Program but has since been renamed PrairieNeuro.
PrairieNeuro is an interdepartmental program with nine full-time faculty and state-of-the-art live cell imaging, electrophysiology, cell biology and human PET and MRI facilities. Our primary research facilities are located on KIAM Level 4, which houses 7500 square feet of pre-clinical office, study, conference, and laboratory space. If you are interested in accessing these facilities, please contact us.
In addition to KIAM facilities, PrairieNeuro researchers have access to a broad range of affiliated facilities (see below). This includes the University of Manitoba Central Animal Care Services, which provides a broad spectrum of support for small and large animal research, including housing, genetic model development, surgery, behavioral testing and imaging (optical imaging, micro-CT, 7 Tesla MRI/PET, ultrasound, two-photon imaging).

Affiliated facilities
- Live-Cell Imaging Facility
- Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM) Animal Behavioral Core
- Precision Genomics Suite (coming soon)